Shipping Policy

  • Purchases are shipped from our warehouses across the country by courier.
  • Please allow the following number of days from receipt of your order.
  • Enjoy free delivery on all prepaid orders.
  • Order deliveries will be made between 10am – 7pm Monday – Saturday. Goods will need to be signed for upon delivery. If you cannot be there to sign for your delivery, please suggest an alternative i.e., a family member, colleague, neighbor, etc.
  • All claims for shortages or damages must be reported to customer service within 24 hours of delivery. (Call at +91 8320347263 or write to us at business@coffeecupindia )
  • COFFEE CUP INDIA takes no responsibility for goods signed by an alternative person.
  • Most orders are dispatched within 24 hours in some cases it may take 2-3 days for dispatch and gets delivered within 3 - 7 days across India. In some cases, it may take longer to receive the shipment depending on your location and accessibility.
  • Currently, we deliver on average 3 - 7 working days across India.